WHY MANIFESTING NOT WORKING | Here we will learn why manifestation not works & which are the 7 major reasons. So let’s learn why manifestation doesn't work.


WHY MANIFESTING NOT WORKING?,why law of attraction fails,why the law of attraction isn't working for you,7 REASONS WHY MANIFESTATION FAILS.



We are going to go over the seven things that lower your vibration a lot of you have been reaching out to me telling me that things haven't been manifesting and I won't let you know there's a reason why it's very important that we remember that we are vibration and so whatever we put out we will also receive back in our lives.



So if you are looking forward to learning the 7 ways that you are lowering your vibration so you can be better aware that you can have a better manifest experience.


When I'm just going to go straight for a first with the first way that most people are lowering that vibration is that they have excessive masturbation.

I know that is not spoken about on my site but I also will start to open up because it is also a form of energy excessive masturbation me why is your brain into short-term gratification you will naturally, start to look for quick fixes in your day-to-day life this is also a natural way of high dopamine in your body as well as over time you become less motivated it's very important that we understand our Sexual Energy and it's also very important that we understand is a Creative Energy.

WHY MANIFESTING NOT WORKING?,why law of attraction fails,why the law of attraction isn't working for you,7 REASONS WHY MANIFESTATION FAILS.

2nd way- that you were lower your vibration is that you were looking upon others in the world and you are judging them it is not our place or purpose in this life experience to say what is else it is not our right to do that our only right is to look within ourselves and to see how we can become more aligned to our life to become more a line to that path of  Destiny.


The 3rd Way is something that each of us will have to program ourselves to stop doing negative self-talk it's very important that we instill affirmations allow us to align to the person that we are so excited to be it is very important that we also give love and forgiveness to ourselves and our in our day-to-day lives the most important relationship in this life is the one with you and it's very important that our self-talk and our self-love is full of compassion because we are the only ones that we could depend on we are the only ones who are really going to take ourselves from this point next point of Our Lives.


Over his thinking is another one that will allow you to not manifest the life of your dreams it is not possible to think about something positive and negative in the same no way that you are lowering your vibration because you were having too many thoughts that are going down a rabbit hole.


So I want you to learn how to train your brain into speaking positively I want you to train your brain when every you are going into that rabbit-hole of negativity I want you to remember to affirm your blessings to affirm your greatness and cute Fairview Ridges in this year of 2021 technology will continue to increase technology will continue to grow and are alive and with that being said you are spending too much time on social media.


Social media had its benefits but it also has its consequences as well social media will allow you to have more judgment upon yourself as well as a judgment upon others as well as having negative self-talk as well as overthinking your social media to inspire you to get to where you want to go in your life don't use social media to feel bad about your current situation to have more in more enriching activities versus always having the phone stuck to your hand it's really important that energy in our day-to-day lives we go out and connect with Earth we go out and connect with people with that being said if I were to ask each of you to right now answer your phone and see how many hours you spent on it.

Another reason for your lack of manifestation and also the lowering of your vibration you are having little to no sleep in your life give priority to our sleep because it is in her sleep state that we are able to make our vibration more neutral it is in our sleep state that we can also manifest and put intention to receive The clarity to receive guidance on what is going on are they today live as of lately, I have been doing my best to have in minute fasting as well as becoming more plant-based and alkaline-based unhealthy food is another reason.


Why you are lowering your vibration is another reason why becoming more so more self-aware in your life you have to really bring into all areas of your life what are you inputting into your body it's very important that we take responsibility for everything that we are surrounded ourselves with and it's also very important.


We are bringing into our bodies to look more into alkaline foods that will allow you to have an alkaline body so you are able to create new generating cells and the last reason that you are not manifesting the life of your dream and lower your vibration is that in our society on a day-to-day life we are always on the go and we are always more so not living in the moment it's very important that we have a meditation practice and in our day-to-day life that we can build ours our skill to manage stress it's more important that we are able to understand to be more present one thing I will always say it always tell you guys to do in order for you to be more present in your life that you are no longer holding on to the past and so that you are no longer being so anxious about the future I want you to build a gratitude practice.


Gratitude practice, meditation, and Crystal healing each allow you to be more present in your day-to-day life it will each allow you to be benefits that they provide it's very important that each of us takes responsibility for our lives for each of us to open up ourselves to receive the pleasures of this life to receive the love that this life has to offer us really taken take into consideration and be aware of your daily activities be aware of your thoughts how you speak to people how you show up how you walk, how do you sit in your chair is very important that we present ourselves with the energy of you want to experience in our lives. I truly hope that you guys enjoyed today’s information I truly love with you.


So in today's affirmation is going to be I am alive with the frequency of positivity.

I am alive with the frequency of positivity

I am alive with the frequency of positivity

I want you guys to understand that we are always going to be this Flux of emotions we will always have this balance and it is all about I have a challenge for you.


I want you today to sit down and really take note of your activities I want you to really sit down and try not to come to play today I want you to try and not judge anyone today I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say- 

I love you 

I want you to today to say the affirmation 

I Am powerful 

It is so possible for each of us to really live a life of full freedom and fulfillment but it's going to take you to other lines that frequency.

If you want to listen to 10 powerful affirmations for love then it's available on this site free.


I can tell you to send all my love my light and my grades to each of you and I will share some other important information with you in the next article through which you can able to do fast manifestation take care goodbye friends.


ALERT- Once your vibration goes down it should effect to your manifestation exercise so be careful about your vibration because the vibration is the tunnel through which your desire thing will be reached its destination.


Conclude – Here we have learned what are the things we have to follow to get success in manifestation and what are the things that lower your vibration for that reason your manifestation is not working 100%. So today we have learned the best 7 hidden things through which the manifestation will be failed.


Tags - 7 REASONS WHY MANIFESTATION FAILS, manifestation doesn’t work.   



Hi Friends, Here I have shared the ultimate secret of the real law of attraction and the best manifestation methods with examples. So if you want to manifest your dream then you can learn the secret of the universal formula. Thanks